Congratulations to Dr. Patricia Longmuir on receiving a new grant from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. The grant is a Spark meeting grant for $4993, and runs from July 2014 to December 2015. The funding is to support the creation of the Cardiac LIFFE Research and Knowledge Exchange Network, a group of parent/family advocates, clinicians in paediatric cardiology and researchers interested in physical activity and quality of life.

The goal of the grant is to gather information about existing resources for promoting physical activity to children with cardiac diagnoses, and to develop new models of care to incorporate physical activity promotion into the four paediatric cardiac clinics in Ontario (CHEO, Toronto, Hamilton, London). The meeting will be held in conjunction with the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in October 2015, as the Cardiac LIFFE Research and Knowledge Exchange Network includes members from 10 paediatric cardiac clinics across Canada.