Mr. Peter Breithaupt
Dr. Kristi Adamo and Dr. Rachel Colley
Research Program:
M.Sc. Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa
Thesis Topic:
Validation of Cardiovascular Fitness and Body Composition Assessment Methodologies in the Overweight/Obese Pediatric Population
Research interests involve pretty near any combination of obesity, pediatrics and/or measures of fitness. Having been involved with the HALO group since October 2008 as part of an internship placement, when I completed my Bachelors of Science honours in Human Kinetics in the spring of 2009 it was an easy transition to continue with the group in while working on an M.Sc. under the supervision of Dr. Kristi Adamo. In my spare time I enjoy being active, and spending time with both friends and my dog (not necessarily at the same time). The majority of my childhood was spent playing hockey like many other Canadian children, but as my aspirations for the National Hockey League died I began to focus more on sport and physical activity for personal enjoyment and fitness; still regularly playing hockey but also participating in basketball, flag football, ultimate frisbee, resistance training, golf (weather permitting), and pretty much anything else that will keep me on the go.