Ms. Marisa Murray

Degrees and Certifications

  • Bachelor of Arts (hon), Carleton University (2009)
  • Master of Arts, Carleton University (2011)
  • Ph.D Candidate, University of Ottawa (Present)

Current Held Scholarships and Awards

  • Master’s Award, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
  • Excellence Scholarship (University of Ottawa)


Dr. Gary Goldfield

Current Program

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Ottawa

Thesis Topic

Delivering behavioural intervention for obese children via the Internet


Marisa’s research interests focus on identifying modifiable risk and protective factors associated with eating disorders and obesity in the child and adolescent population. Marisa received a BA honours degree in Psychology from Carleton University. Her thesis for which she was awarded a Certificate of Academic Excellence from the Canadian Psychological Association involved the development and implementation of a positive body image program for elementary school children. Marisa recently completed her master’s degree in experimental psychology at Carleton University. Her master’s research examined familial and individual difference factors associated with distinct types of disordered eating behaviours in a large community-based sample of male and female adolescents. Marisa is currently being supervised by Dr. Gary Goldfield in the Clinical Psychology PhD Program at the University of Ottawa.