
  • The 9 months in the womb is the most dramatic period of growth and development, and research shows that pregnancy determines our long term health
  • High pre-pregnancy weight and excessive weight gain during pregnancy are directly related to increased rates of serious maternal and fetal complications
  • In fact, the risk of pregnancy & birth complications is 3 times higher for those who exceed weight gain recommendations
  • Pregnant Moms are ready to adopt a healthy lifestyle for the sake of their child
  • Today’s tech savvy pregnant Moms expect the latest information easily and quickly
To evaluate a mobile technology-based program – SmartMoms-Canada – designed to help women adhere to the gestational weight gain guidelines, improve maternal-fetal health and attenuate the intergenerational cycle of obesity (fewer big babies, less post- partum weight retention and subsequent obesity in mom).

What is SmartMoms?

Today’s women are seeking personalized support and guidance to assist them in staying within their gestational weight gain targets and thus are receptive to new approaches. SmartMoms is a smartphone-based weight management program that enables pregnant women to monitor and track body weight, daily physical activity and food intake in their own environment with limited burden and receive individualized feedback and support from health coaches. This app was designed specifically for pregnant women by our colleagues at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Feedback is based upon a validated mathematical model that considers participant’s data gathered from Wi-Fi enabled accessories (FitBit physical activity tracker and BodyTrace Scale) and provides personalized recommendations. The SmartMoms intervention also includes regular delivery of health information to women regarding their weekly GWG, physical activity and nutritional goals via the application.

The SmartMoms-Canada Research Team

Leanne Redman
Corby Martin
  • University of Prince Edward Island
Melissa Rossiter
Erna Snelgrove-Clarke
Helena Piccinini-Vallis
Julie Robitaille
Jean-Patrice Baillargeon
  • Université de Montréal
  • Hôpital St-Luc du CHUM
Ariane Godbout
Graeme Smith
Mark Walker
Laura Gaudet
Gary Goldfield
Tim Ramsay
Sandra Dunn
Dawn Stacey
  • Sunnybrook Hospital
  • University of Toronto
Karen Fleming
Stephanie Atkinson
Sarah McDonald
Garry Shen
Kristine Mytopher
Kara Nerenberg
Raylene Reimer
Radha Chari
Margaret Davenport