Mark was also featured in an Ottawa Citizen article which included his inspiring quote: “Carrying the torch is symbolic of what is right in the world. It has this transcending power that inspires people. Twelve-thousand people will be carrying the torch. For some it will be a transient episode, but for some it may be life-changing, and there aren’t that many things in the world that have that positive an aura around them. It’s something that touches very deep into the soul about the importance of good in the world and striving for your best — trying hard and believing in yourself — and all these good things you want to convey to your children and the people around you. I think it’s all captured in that.”
Dr. Mark Tremblay Runs with the Olympic Torch!

[popeye ids=”423,424,425,426,427,428,429″]The HALO team is very proud to announce that our own director, Dr. Mark Tremblay, was a Vancouver 2010 Olympic Torchbearer, and ran with the torch on Saturday, December 12, 2009 in the Byward Market in Ottawa. Many members of the HALO team as well as Mark’s family were honoured to cheer Mark on at this momentous occasion.