Dr. Pat Longmuir’s post-doc project, Take TIME, has been named newsmaker of the year by the Times-Journal.
Take TIME for Your Child’s Health is a health promotion campaign for parents and caregivers of young children, up to 8 years of age. The campaign emphasizes the importance of TIME – Tobacco free, Injury free, Moving daily, Eating healthy. The goal is to create the ideal community for supporting active healthy lifestyles for young children.
From the Times-Journal article:
With a goal of providing healthier, active lifestyles among local kids and families, the Take TIME project is the Times-Journal’s newsmaker of the year.
Take TIME is a program that began as a partnership between SickKids hospital, the Township of Uxbridge and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario with financial assistance from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
“It has been amazing,” said Amanda Ferraro, program manager. “It has been steamrolling since it started.”
The program began in October 2010 as a pilot project offering free activities while encouraging healthier, happier lifestyles for kids and families. Take TIME stands for Tobacco free, Injury free, Moving daily and Eating healthy.
The pilot project ended in September 2011 but the Take TIME team was determined to keep it running, and has now joined forces with Jump Start Uxbridge, a primary sponsor.
And so, Take TIME Jump Start was born.
To read the article in its entirety, click here.