HALO Director Dr. Mark Tremblay authored a paper that was published today in the Canadian Journal of Public Health titled, “Major initiatives related to childhood obesity and physical inactivity in Canada: the year in review.” From the abstract of the paper:
This manuscript briefly reviews 15 significant initiatives related to childhood obesity and physical inactivity in Canada between September 2010 and September 2011. These include the: announcement of a Federal-Provincial-Territorial framework for action to promote healthy weights; implementation of the nutrition labeling initiative; launch of the CBC “Live Right Now” campaign; announcement of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s innovation strategy funding related to obesity; publication of the Canadian Health Measures Survey physical activity findings; release of new Canadian physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines; launch of ParticipACTION’s “Think Again” campaign; workshop on building trust to address the epidemic of obesity; start of the Canadian Pediatric Weight Management Registry; initiation of “Our Health Our Future: A National Dialogue on Healthy Weights”; release of the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth; National Obesity Summit; Nature Play Day and Sports Day in Canada; development of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy; and the creation of Active Canada 20/20 – A National Physical Activity Plan. The diversity and intensity of activity addressing the childhood obesity and physical inactivity “epidemic” in Canada is encouraging and must be maintained and enhanced.
Citation details for the paper are: Tremblay MS. Major Initiatives Related to Childhood Obesity and Physical Inactivity in Canada: The Year in Review. Can J Public Health 2012;103(3):164-69..