HALO researchers Joel Barnes, Dr. Rachel Colley, Michael Borghese and Dr. Mark Tremblay co-wrote a paper with colleagues from ParticipACTION titled, “Results from the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth,” that was recently published in Paediatrics & Child Health. Citation details are below along with a summary of the paper.
Barnes JD, Colley RC, Borghese M, Jason K, Fink A, Tremblay MS. Results from the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. June/July 2013, 18(6):301-04.
ABSTRACT: The present article summarizes the results from the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2012 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. The Report Card assessed the physical activity levels of Canadian children and youth nationally, and the initiatives of public and nongovernment sectors to promote and facilitate physical activity opportunities for children and youth in Canada. Based on a comprehensive collection of data that were analyzed and/or published in 2011, 24 indicators relating to physical activity were graded. The Physical Activity Levels indicator, the core indicator of the Report Card, was graded an ‘F’ for the sixth consecutive year. Although the majority of grades remained unchanged from the previous year, four grades improved and two worsened. These results suggest that few Canadian children and youth have sufficient physical activity levels, and that greater efforts are required across sectors to promote and facilitate physical activity opportunities for children and youth in Canada.