Congratulations to all who were involved in the release of the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance “Global Matrix 3.0” last week in Adelaide, Australia. In conjunction with the release, many papers were published. Those that included HALOites are listed below and attached (HALOites in bold). All papers are open access.

Congratulations all – this research has been garnering worldwide media attention!

Aubert S, Barnes JD, Abdeta C, Abi Nader P, Adeniyi AF, Aguilar-Farias N, Andrade Tenesaca DS, Bhawra J, Brazo-Sayavera J, Cardon G, Chang C-K, Delisle Nyström C, Demetriou Y, Draper CE, Edwards L, Emeljanovas A, Gába A, Galaviz KI, González SA, Herrera-Cuenca M, Huang WY, Ibrahim IAE, Jürimäe J, Kämppi K, Katapally TR, Katewongsa P, Katzmarzyk PT, Khan A, Korcz A, Kim YS, Lambert E, Lee E-Y, Löf M, Loney T, López-Taylor J, Liu Y, Makaza D, Manyanga T, Mileva B, Morrison SA, Mota J, Nyawornota VK, Ocansey R, Reilly JJ, Roman-Viñas B, Silva DAS, Saonuam P, Scriven J, Seghers J, Schranz N, Skovgaard T, Smith M, Standage M, Starc G, Stratton G, Subedi N, Takken T, Tammelin T, Tanaka C, Thivel D, Tladi D, Tyler R, Uddin R, Williams A, Wong SHS, Wu C-L, Zembura P, Tremblay MS. Global Matrix 3.0 physical activity report card grades for children and youth: results and analysis from 49 countries. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S251-S273, 2018.

Manyanga TBarnes JD, Abdeta C, Adeniy AF, Bhawra J, Draper CE, Katapally TR, Khan A, Lambert E, Makaza D, Nyawornota VK, Ocansey R, Subedi N, Uddin R, Tladi D, Tremblay MS. Indicators of physical activity among children and youth in nine countries with low to medium Human Development Indices: A Global Matrix 3.0 paper. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S274-S283, 2018.

González SA, Barnes JD, Abi Nader P, Andrade Tenesaca DS, Brazo-Sayavera J, Galaviz KI, Herrera-Cuenca M, Katewongsa P, López-Taylor J, Liu Y, Mileva B, Ochoa Avilés AM, Silva DAS, Saonuam P, Tremblay MS. Report card grades on the physical activity of children and youth from 10 countries with high Human Development Index – Global Matrix 3.0. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S284-S297, 2018.

Aubert S, Barnes JD, Aguilar-Farias N, Cardon G, Chang CK, Delisle Nyström C, Demetriou Y, Edwards L, Emeljanovas A, Gába A, Huang WY, Ibrahim IAE, Jürimäe J, Katzmarzyk PT, Korcz A, Kim YS, Lee EY, Löf M, Loney T, Morrison SA, Mota J, Reilly JJ, Roman-Viñas B, Schranz N, Scriven J, Seghers J, Skovgaard T, Smith M, Standage M, Starc G, Stratton G, Takken T, Tammelin T, Tanaka C, Thivel D, Tyler R, Williams A, Wong SHS, Zembura P, Tremblay MS. Report Card grades on the physical activity of children and youth comparing 30 very high Human Development Index countries. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S298-S314, 2018.

Barnes JD, Cameron C, Carson V, Chaput JP, Colley RC, Faulkner GEJ, Janssen I, Kramers R, Saunders TJ, Spence JC, Tucker P, Vanderloo LM, Tremblay MS. Results from Canada’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S328-S330, 2018.

Silva DAS, et al. Results From Brazil’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S323-S325, 2018.

Gonzalez SA, et al.. Results from Colombia’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S335-S337, 2018.

Aubert S, et al. Results from France’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S360-S362, 2018.

Delisle Nyström C, et al. Results from Sweden’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S413-S414, 2018.

Manyanga T, et al. Results from Zimbabwe’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 15(Suppl 2):S433-S435, 2018.