HALO Director Dr. Mark Tremblay is one of the authors on a paper, “Fit for School Study protocol: early child growth, health behaviours, nutrition, cardiometabolic risk and developmental determinants of a child’s school readiness, a prospective cohort,” that was recently published in BMJ Open.
The paper provides a summary of the “Fit for School” study protocol, which is an ongoing prospective cohort study. Parents of children enrolled in The Applied Health Research Group for Kids (TARGet Kids!) practice-based research network are invited to participate in the Fit for School Study. Child growth, health behaviours, nutrition, cardiometabolic risk and development data are collected annually at health supervision visits and linked to Early Development Instrument (EDI) data collected by schools. The primary and secondary analyses will use a two-stage process: (1) latent class growth models will be used to first determine trajectory groups, and (2) generalised linear mixed models will be used to examine the relationship between exposures and EDI results – stay tuned for results!
Click here to read the paper for free.