Congratulations to HALO Senior Scientist Dr. Mark Tremblay on his contribution to a new paper titled “Translation and validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy-2 in a Danish sample” just published in BMC Public Health. Citation details and a summary of the paper are below. 

Elsborg, P., Melby, P. S., Kurtzhals, M., Tremblay, M. S., Nielsen, G., & Bentsen, P. (2021). Translation and validation of the Canadian assessment of physical literacy-2 in a Danish sample. BMC public health, 21(1), 2236.


The aim of this study was to translate the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy, second edition (CAPL-2) into Danish language, adapt it to Danish context and to test the measurement properties on a sample of Danish school children.

The CAPL-2 measurement tool was translated into Danish language and adapted for the Danish context. This Danish version of the CAPL-2 was then tested on 891 Danish school children from 50 classes in 12 different schools.

Confirmatory factor analysis using the four-factor model, as suggested by the CAPL-2 original developers, showed an acceptable model fit for the Danish version (CFI = .973; TLI = .957; RMSEA = 0.040 (90% CI 0.033–0.054); SRMR = 0.040). Positive significant correlations between the domains were found. The domains as well as the total CAPL-2 score were found to be positively associated with physical education teachers’ assessment of their pupil’s in four central aspects of PL (i.e. enjoyment, confidence, motor skills, and diversity) indicating predictive validity. High internal consistency of the instrument used to measure motivation and confidence domain were found.

The translated and context-adapted Danish version of CAPL-2 is a valid and reliable measurement tool ready to use in Danish research studies.

Click here to read the full paper (open access).