The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) is seeking volunteers to take part in an online health survey to aid in the development of a tool to evaluate certain health perceptions and behaviours during pregnancy. If you are currently pregnant or have a child born after May 2009 and you’re 18 years or older, you’re eligible to participate!

As a participant you will be asked to complete a confidential online questionnaire that will take approximately 15-25 minutes.

To learn more about the study and to take part, please visit the survey link below:

To find out more about the research we do, check out the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group at:

The study has been approved by CHEO research ethics board, University of Ottawa Ethics and is being supervised by Dr. Kristi Adamo. For more information about the study contact Holly at 613-737-7600 x.3011 or email

Thank you for your time.

(This study has received full Research Ethics Board approval from CHEO (14/183X) and University of Ottawa (A06-15-02))