The Toronto Charter for Physical Activity: A Global Call for Action was launched on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at the 3rd International Congress for Physical Activity and Health in Toronto Canada during the closing plenary session.
The Toronto Charter is a call to all countries to help make physical activity a priority for all. The Charter provides a framework for action and partnerships across multiple sectors and with communities to build healthier, active, environmentally sustainable communities. It is a result of two years of international drafting and large scale global consultation. The global consultation received responses from over 400 individuals and organizations from 55 countries and provided over 1,700 comments and suggestions.
The Toronto Charter was ratified by delegates at the 3rd International Congress for Physical Activity and Health with overwhelming support for its call to all countries to seek greater political commitment, resources and community action to support health enhancing physical activity for all. The Charter itself is an advocacy tool, designed for use with decisions makers and to build partnership towards achieving political commitment and resources towards increasing participation in health-enhancing physical activity throughout the world.
Please show your support for the adoption and implementation of the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity: A Global Call for Action by visiting the website To download a copy of the Toronto Charter and to register your support, please visit
Link to the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity.