Congratulations, Canada! Communities across the country have embraced CBC’s Live Right Now initiative and together, have far surpassed the remarkable one million pound milestone. Over the past six months, Canadians from far and wide came together to participate in the Live Right Now challenge, and to join the collective journey towards a healthier country. To mark this national achievement, CBC hosts Steven and Chris shared a new challenge with Canadians on Canada Day: CBC is looking to crown the “Live Right Now Capital of Canada.” Who is it going to be, Canada?
As announced by Live Right Now Ambassadors Steven and Chris in Ottawa on Canada Day, the search is now on to find the Live Right Now Capital of Canada. From athletic activities and impressive lifestyle changes to infectious team spirit and overall commitment and dedication, CBC wants to find the community that most embodies the spirit of Live Right Now. The crowned community will be featured in the upcoming season of CBC Television’s Steven and Chris (exact date TBA). To nominate your community, submit your inspirational stories, photos and/or videos online at, or via email at
HALO is an advisory committee member that is involved with and supports the Live Right Now initiative.