The Team to Address Bariatric Care in Canadian Children: Team ABC3 is a new Team Grant from the CIHR, which includes a large group of researchers, health care professionals, and policy makers from across the country, including a few familiar faces from HALO — Drs. Annick Buchholz, Stasia Hadjiyannakis and Mark Tremblay!
Over the next five years, Team ABC3 will conduct a series of studies (7 to be exact!), many of which are national in scope, to address important knowledge gaps that limit our understanding and management of severe obesity in Canadian children. HALO scientists are contributing their time and expertise to 6 of these studies, which will make a great impact to the team. Overall, this research will add valuable pieces to the puzzle and help health care professionals from across the country provide the best care possible for Canadian children with severe obesity and their families. To find out more or to stay up to date with the progress of Team ABC3, be sure to follow their blog at