Dr. Jean-Philippe Chaput co-wrote a letter to the editor that was recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, which is in response to a study by Kramer et al. where it is concluded that “there is no healthy pattern of increased weight.”
From the letter to the editor:
Mislabeling “unhealthy obese individuals” as supposedly “healthy” further promotes weight bias and reinforces the widespread misconception that health can be measured simply by stepping on a scale. Rather, we should not assume that everyone with excess body fat is at high risk and in immediate need of treatment. Instead, we should look at individual risk factors (smoking, high blood pressure, dysglycemia, dyslipidemia, and others) to determine whether a given person needs medical attention. After all, 1 size does not fit all!
Click here to access the rest of the letter (note: behind a paywall).