Professor Mark Tremblay recently travelled to Maringa, Brazil where he presented a 3-hour workshop and provided 2 keynote presentations. Titles of the presentations are provided below:
- Making movement a movement: A contemporary imperative. Invited keynote address at the III Encontro Brazil Canada and I Congresso International de Tratamento da Obesidade (Maringa, Brazil), October, 2014.
- Active video gaming: Friend or foe? Invited keynote addresst the III Encontro Brazil Canada and I Congresso International de Tratamento da Obesidade (Maringa, Brazil), October, 2014.
- Lessons learned from around the world for promoting healthy active living: What, when, where and how? Invited workshop at the III Encontro Brazil Canada and I Congresso International de Tratamento da Obesidade (Maringa, Brazil), October, 2014.