Congratulations to HALO Research Manager Dr. Louise de Lannoy on her poster presentation at the 2022 CSEP Conference in Fredericton!
Entitled ‘Scoping review on children and youth’s outdoor play publications in Canada’, the poster describes a scoping review Louise recently led on outdoor play publications, in which she and her co-authors sought to answer the question: ‘How, and in what context, is children and youth’s outdoor play being studied in Canada?’. Included articles were those written by authors from Canadian institutions or that studied Canadian children/youth after September 2015, when the Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play was released. All included articles were then sorted according to the major priorities identified in the Outdoor Play in Canada: 2021 State of the Sector Report. The full list of included articles, categorized according to those priorities, can be accessed here:
In total, 275 articles were included. Sample sizes varied from one parent’s reflections to 999,951 data points from health databases. The most common priority area was health, wellbeing, and development; the least common were COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples and Land-based Outdoor Play. Across priorities, physical health was the most examined outcome and mental/emotional development the least.
Collectively this work shows the wealth of knowledge that has been produced in Canada on outdoor play since the Position Statement on Outdoor Play, and where further knowledge generation is needed – on the relationship between outdoor play and mental/emotional development among children and youth.

Dr. Louise de Lannoy in front of her poster at the 2022 CSEP Conference (Fredericton, Canada)