Do you want to know how to assess the physical literacy of children 8 to 12 years of age in a valid and reliable way? Then this workshop/webinar series is for you!
Through funding from the Trillium Foundation, HALO will be leading FREE training workshops and webinars on physical literacy and the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL) from now until March 2016.
Our free workshops and webinars are designed for recreation leaders, educators, allied-health professionals, coaches, health-care professionals, and parents to learn about physical literacy and the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL).
If you or your organization is interested in hosting an in-person training workshop, please contact Research Coordinator, Stacey Alpous (613-737-7600, ext. 4003 or If you are interested in attending one or more webinar, please follow the corresponding links below to register.
- Physical Literacy Assessment 101 (Wednesday, October 7th and Wednesday January 20th)The goal of this session is to provide attendees with an overview of physical literacy and introduce the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL). Attendees will be provided with a brief history of how the CAPL was developed and why it is a valid and reliable assessment of physical literacy for children 8 to 12 years of age. Attendees will also learn the benefits of using the CAPL within their program, including how assessment results can enhance program delivery.
- A Practitioner’s Guide to Doing the CAPL (Wednesday, October 21st and Wednesday February 3rd)During this interactive session, attendees will be provided with an in-depth description of the CAPL domains (Daily behaviour, Physical Competence, Knowledge and Understanding, and Motivation and Confidence) and learn how to administer each of the CAPL protocols. Attendees will learn the ins and outs of how the CAPL can easily integrate into their existing programs.
- The Obstacle Course Advanced Skill Development (Wednesday, November 4th and Wednesday February 17th)One of the CAPL protocols used within the Physical Competence domain is an obstacle course that assesses a child’s fundamental, complex and combined movement skills. This session will use a hands-on approach to teach attendees how to administer, score and interpret the CAPL obstacle course.
- What Do My Physical Literacy Assessment Results Mean? (Wednesday, November 18th and March 2nd)It is important for leaders, parents, and children to be able to interpret the results of the CAPL assessment. During this session, attendees will be taken through the CAPL website step-by-step and learn how to calculate and summarize assessment results. After this session, attendees will understand what the CAPL assessment results mean for the child and programme provision.
- Putting Physical Literacy within REACH (Recreation, Education, Allied health, Coaching, Healthcare) (Wednesday, December 2nd and March 23rd)Sometimes it may be easier to screen the children in their program for physical literacy deficits and only use the CAPL with children who are struggling on their physical literacy journey. During this interactive session, attendees will learn how to administer quick and easy physical literacy screening tasks that, in less than five minutes, will enable leaders to identify the children who are most like to be struggling on their physical literacy journey.