HALO MSc student Angelica Blais and HALO Scientist Dr. Pat Longmuir joined their colleagues from the Division of Cardiology at CHEO (Jane Lougheed, Derek Wong, Suzie Lee and Letizia Gardin) at the World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery in Barcelona, Spain from July 16 t0 21, 2017. Dr. Longmuir gave an oral presentation on July 18th, titled “Promoting physical activity to children with congenital heart defects: Identifying important knowledge translation gaps”, on behalf of Derek Wong and their many research colleagues at the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation, Variety Village and SickKids.
Their group also presented four posters (presenting author is underlined):
- Blais AA, Longmuir PE, Lougheed J. Pedometer accuracy for measuring physical activity behaviour decreases with age among paediatric cardiology patients. World Congress on Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, July 19, 2017.
- Alpous A, Lougheed J, Longmuir PE. Muscular endurance and agility limit the physical activity capacity of children with congenital heart defects compared to Canadian schoolchildren. World Congress on Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, July 19, 2017.
- Longmuir PE, Sampson M, Ham J, Weekes M, Patel B, Gow R. The mental health of adolescents living with potentially fatal arrhythmia: A systematic review of the literature. World Congress on Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, July 19, 2017.
- Longmuir PE, Kung T, Tang K, Yusuf W, Lougheed J. Weight trajectories are associated with exercise capacity among children with complex congenital heart defects: Does limited growth indicate limited energy for exercise? World Congress on Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, July 19, 2017.
- Longmuir PE, Lynch L, Yap L-A, Bodiam L, Allison A, McCrindle BW, Wong D. Promoting physical activity to children with congenital heart defects: Identifying important knowledge translation gaps. World Congress on Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, July 18, 2017.