Let’s join the global call to enable more people to move more often to create a healthy sustainable world!
Too few people around the world are physically active enough to reap the public health, wealth, and wellbeing benefits. As a result, everyone everywhere must unite around a shared goal to get the world moving. A key tenet for successful advocacy is gaining consensus on what works for increasing physical activity and the recent launch of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity is the answer.
“ISPAH’s Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity” document and advocacy kit were just launched and provide a summary of eight areas for action; all are evidence-based and have worldwide applicability.
The eight areas are:
- Whole-of-school programs
- Active Transport
- Active Urban Design
- Healthcare
- Public Education including mass media
- Sport and Recreation for all
- Workplaces
- Community-wide programmes
If the eight areas of investment are implemented around the world, we can be confident that we will move closer to achieving the World Health Organization global target of reducing physical inactivity by 15% by 2030.
ISPAH are calling for everyone everywhere, professionals, academics, civil society and decision-makers, to advocate for national physical activity policies, local policies and regulation, accessible programs throughout the life course, a commitment to supportive environments and a culture of collaboration and cross-sector partnership working. Join the global conversation online through various social media platforms #8Investments!
All of “ISPAH’s Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity’ resources and the advocacy toolkit can be accessed at ISPAH website at https://www.ispah.org/resources/key-resources/8-investments/