Many researchers and students (former and current) from Dr. Mark Tremblay’s research group presented at the virtual Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual Scientific Conference (October 13-16; Presentation authors and titles are listed below, with HALOites (current and former) in bold.

Of note, former HALO postdoctoral fellow Dr. Val Carson received the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Young Investigator Award – congratulations Val!

Larouche R, Bélanger M, Brussoni M, Faulkner G, Gunnell K, Tremblay MS. Children’s adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines during the second wave of COVID-19: national survey.

Nayakarathna R, Patel N, Currie C, Faulkner G, Riazi N, Tremblay MS, Trudeau F, Larouche R. Correlates of physical activity in children from families speaking non-official languages at home: a multi-site Canadian study.

Rollo S, Fraser BJ, Seguin N, Sampson M, Lang JJ, Tomkinson GR, Tremblay MS. Health-related criterion-referenced cut-points for cardiorespiratory fitness among youth: A systematic review.

Rollo S, Sckrapnick A, Tremblay MS. Prevalence and correlates of meeting the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines among a sample of Canadian parents during the COVID-19 pandemic.