Dr. Pat Longmuir, a Junior Research Scientist with HALO, recently made two presentations and was also author on two poster presentations by her students. Details of the presentations are below:
- PE Longmuir, F Bangawan, G Smith, JL Russell, BW McCrindle. Monitoring of Resting Energy Expenditure in Children with Complex CHD. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Vancouver, Oct 26, 2011, finalist presentation in the Richard Rowe Competition for Outstanding Research by a Cardiovascular Trainee.
- L Banks, BW McCrindle, J Russell, PE Longmuir. Optimal Physiological Response to Sub-Maximal Exercise in Children After the Fontan Procedure. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Vancouver, Oct 26, 2011.
- JA McMullen, BW McCrindle, SD Dell, BM Feldman, PE Longmuir. Understanding Parent Perceptions of Healthy Physical Activity for their Child with a Chronic Medical Condition. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Vancouver, Oct 26, 2011, selected as a highlighted poster session participant.
- PE Longmuir. Physically Active Peer Play: The Health of Children with Heart Problems Depends on It. Invited presentation at the SickKids Research Institute Annual Retreat, Toronto, November 2, 2011, outstanding trainee research in cardiology.